July 27, 2012

6 Habits of Highly Effective Mobile Marketers

If you believe experts like Mary Meeker, mobile advertising is getting hotter every day, but a true revolution is still a ways off. The dollars spent on mobile marketing do not come close to lining up with the amount of time we spend with our devices, and "traditional" media like print and broadcast still attract the lion's share of spending. In other words, we've had our mobile advertising "big bang," but we haven't yet fully adapted to life in our brand-new universe.
However, if the money's not there now, it will be soon. Because while mobile might not yet be attracting its fair share of spend, it already owns serious share of mind. Industry trailblazers are setting the agenda for the mobile future and leading the way for the rest of the marketing world. As they evangelize (channeling Wayne Gretzky): "Skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it's already been."
The advertising puck is careening towards mobile. Mobile is no longer a "nice to have" — it's often at the core of everything, if not always first. It has changed far more than consumer behavior, transcending its role as a connection and convergence device, and "impacting business through customer service, ecommerce, awareness and more," says Jesse Missad, associate director of mobility at Starcom MediaVest Group. He feels its importance to marketing cannot be overstated: "We believe mobile will be part of every communications plan."
We spoke with Missad and other industry thought leaders for actionable insights and best practices to help you join the mobile marketing revolution, right here and right now.


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