July 30, 2012

Aga Khan University Hospital saving lives of needy patients with zakat support

​Last year more than 2,000,000 patients sought medical care at Aga Khan University Hospital (AKUH). More than 75 per cent of these patients belonged to the middle and lower income brackets and were unable to afford the total cost of treatment – none were turned away. 

AKUH provided health care to them irrespective of their socio-economic or financial background through its Patient Welfare Programme. In 2011, the Programme disbursed over PKR 440 million to patients with financial difficulties. 

Working in conjunction with the Patient Welfare Programme is The Patients' Behbud Society (PBS) for AKUH. Initiated in 2001 to meet increasing demand of the growing number of needy patients, PBS is facilitated by a group of eminent citizens and well-wishers. 

An independent society, The Patients' Behbud Society for AKUH is responsible for collecting zakat and disbursing it.  It comprises an Executive Committee, which meets regularly to carefully screen and review each patient case and approve disbursement.

To date, the Society has provided support to more than 16,000 patients and disbursed over PKR 433 million. All zakat contributions received are disbursed for the medical treatment of patients who are eligible to receive zakat and cannot afford the full cost of their treatment.

The Society is registered as a social welfare organisation with the Directorate of Social Welfare, Government of Sindh and its accounts are audited annually by A.F. Ferguson and Company, a leading audit firm. PR


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